If we were all a little more intentional about our purchases, our planet would breathe a big sigh of relief. That’s why BOMSHBEE embraces minimalist design principles where less is always more.
Minimalist living is nothing new. The concept – an intentional choice to live with less and appreciate simpler designs – has long been part of history. For starters, Buddhism has advocated fewer material possessions for thousands of years, as has Japanese Zen philosophy, where ‘less is more’ in both aesthetics and in life.
The term “minimalism” became more mainstream in the 1960s, when a group of New York artists began creating pieces devoid of any decorative or functional purposes. As with all movements, minimalism has evolved over the years, shifting and expanding to encompass different aspects of society and, recently, resurging as a new, aspirational way of living.

Decluttering guru Marie Kondo is partly to thank for that, but a growing interest in sustainability and the environment should get much of the credit, too. From the US to Europe, Hong Kong to Japan, a growing tribe of conscious consumers have embraced minimalism, consuming less to live a more ethical, eco-friendly lifestyle.
“Minimalism offers the precious gifts of free time, mental clarity and financial stability, providing hope to overworked, overstressed, and overspent consumers,” Stephanie Seferian, host of The Sustainable Minimalists podcast, explains. “It’s also a means by which I can have a smaller impact on the planet. When we are no longer grasping for the next big thing, minimalism provides us with the freedom to focus less on acquiring stuff and more on living.”
Sustainability and minimalism go hand in hand, according to Seferian. That’s because minimalists live simply, waste less and strive to live more purposefully through their experiences rather than their possessions.
Georgina Caro, who celebrates the simple things in life on her sustainable lifestyle website Gypsysoul.co.uk, agrees. “The main aims of a sustainable life are to use less, reuse what you already have and stop buying things you don’t need. Minimalism fits in perfectly with all of those goals. Less is always more sustainable.”
But that doesn’t necessarily mean shunning worldly objects altogether. Instead, a minimalist only buys items that have lasting power. “It’s not about only owning 100 items, it’s about finding ‘just the right amount’ so you can live the life you want,” Caro says. Through this lens, the furniture, dinnerware or decorative items we own should not speak to us personally but also last more than a few seasons.

BOMSHBEE’s products provide real-life examples of the ‘less is more’ philosophy. The brand’s Chime 5-Piece Flatware Set, for instance, is made with durable stainless steel that can last a lifetime. What’s more, the simple yet elegant design embodies a timeless aesthetic, making it a minimalist investment that will fit perfectly into every phase of life.

Similarly, BOMSHBEE’s timeless Ring glasses stand the test time with clean, graceful silhouette, bold rims and a weighty material to ensure sturdiness and long-term functionality.

For those who love to host dinner parties, BOMSHBEE’s handmade Tinge Clay Dinnerware series exudes a warm, homey vibe thanks to the pieces’ exposed clay rims, chunky style and striking colour contrasts. Each unique plate, bowl, pitcher and mug in this collection is also extremely durable, created to last through hundreds of dinner parties.
While thoroughly contemporary, BOMSHBEE’s minimalist design philosophy goes beyond ephemeral trends with an emphasis on lasting designs and high-quality materials. To that end, such products tick all the boxes for those who want to “buy better quality, longer-lasting items” and fully embrace a minimalist lifestyle, according to Caro.
“Sustainable minimalists are conscious consumers,” Sefarian concurs. “And conscious consumers deliberately slow down the purchasing process and make intentional purchasing decisions instead of mindlessly buying.”
They opt for objects that will last longer, better suit their needs and add value – or “spark joy,” to quote Kondo’s now-famous catchphrase. As a result, this reduces demand for quickly produced, run-of-the-mill consumer products, thus slowing the amount of trash that ends up in landfills.
Given the average American tosses 4.5 pounds of trash every single day – which amounts to roughly 730,000 tons of daily garbage daily across the entire population – a minimalist lifestyle can bring a real, positive change to the environment.
“Minimalism is all about reduction as a means of more fully experiencing living,” Sefarian reiterates. “Acquiring less is a means by which we can both tread lighter on this planet and do our respective parts to ensure our children’s future is a green one”.